Sunday, February 1, 2009

Fear not!

Over the last few weeks I have had numerous friends and family members ask me if I was afraid to go to Israel. The answer has repeatedly been no. Maybe it's my age or simply naivete that keeps me from having fear about going to the Holy Land. While I'm not afraid of what might happen to me, I am afraid of missing an encounter with God. I fear that my obsessive nature will keep my mind wandering back home to things over which I have no control. Last night at Mercy Street, Gregg spoke on Mark 4:35-41, Jesus calms the storm. It was a perfect send-off message. I thought about the passage and how it might apply to the distractions that fill my head and threaten to rob me of the joy of experiencing God on this trip. Just as the disciples were invited by Jesus to go over to the other side, I was invited to join my brothers and sister on this trip. I claim the power of Jesus to calm the storms in my mind and free me from distractions, "Quiet! Be still". I pray the same for my fellow travelers and also for those at home who are with us in thought and prayer.

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