Saturday, February 7, 2009

The valley below Megiddo

More battles in history have been fought on the hill of Megiddo than any other place in history. The image to the right is where we, as Christians, believe that the final battle between Christ and the Accuser will take place. Pretty green, lush and beautiful, eh? It was pretty strange to stand on top of the hill on one of the most historic spots on earth. The road below crosses what was called the Via Maris...the way of the sea which connected Egypt and Mesopotamia.

I was pretty amazed and overwhelmed by the significance of this spot. As followers of Christ, we still hear Jesus pronounce that the Kingdom of God is near and in many ways has come. AND YET, there is evil and brokenness in the world that veils our full view of the Kingdom to come on earth as it is in heaven. As I looked out over this spot, the violent part of me (yes, it is there) wanted to picture the bloody battle where Christ would finally defeat the Evil One. I could almost hear the cries and smell the blood of generations past and those to come. And yet, there was something so peaceful about this spot.
The lush green hill reminded me and for a moment gave me a glimpse of what was to come. The new heaven here on earth. A time when ALL of creation would be restored, healed, brought to perfect shalom.

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